Towards a Post-Globalization
Britain, Brexit, and a New
Economic Direction

In a recent New York Times
a reporter visited Wigan in the north of England to try to understand why
Britain voted to leave the European Union. He spoke to a 61-year-old pro-Brexit
voter, a worker at a canned food factory named Colin whose weekly income had
fallen by 52% in the last three years, from $665 (
to $318
(£212). For Colin, that was painful.
Still worse, he told the newspaper, was that the factory had moved from
standard full-time contracts to “zero hour” contracts where the company decides
each day how many hours Colin is needed. “It is basically slave labor,” Colin
told the Times. This decline in wages and labor relations for semi-skilled and
unskilled workers is partly due to increased competition from eastern European
workers. The reporter interviewed a Pakistani and a Polish immigrant in Wigan,
each of whom expressed strong views in favor of restricting immigration to
benefit current residents’ access to jobs and social services. Another
interesting report, a
in the Guardian made the same case, interviewing voters in seven different
cities who attributed economic and social service problems to immigrants from
eastern Europe. Another powerful
in the (London) Times visited the former coalmining village of Grimethorpe in
Yorkshire to find voters angry about the local warehouse firm recruiting
unskilled labor in Poland to work in Grimethorpe while turning down local
residents who applied for jobs. One woman said that on polling day, she went
around the village urging at least 50 friends and family to remember to vote
and vote “Out”.
These are not
“irrational” voters as London commentators, who lately like to call themselves
the “cosmopolitan elite” suggest. Voters are acutely rational and aware when it
comes to effects on their own livelihoods.