U.S. Drug-Related Deaths
Soar, And It’s a Problem for Industry Too
David Taylor: "People need a reason to get up in the morning" |
Random shootings and police shootings are again in the news.
However, out of the spotlight, there are other death statistics that are
equally shocking—and larger in scale. In 2014, Americans who died from drugs
hit 49,714. That’s up 62% since 2004. Drug-induced deaths have surpassed deaths
from firearms and deaths from car accidents. as you can see in Figure 1. (Deaths
at the hands of the police totaled far less, 990 last year.) Drug-related
deaths are caused by a variety of drugs, notably amphetamines, opioids, and
heroin. But it is heroin-related deaths that have seen the most dramatic
increase, up 594% between 2001 and 2014, according to the Centers for Disease